Wednesday, March 30, 2005

lord Jaggumort

u normally assume ur HOD to be an all-knowing person in his field but thats not the case with us unfortunately. on 29th march i gave a presentation on OpenSSL. it was supposed to be an half hour event but bcoz of our feared dark lord it extended to a one and half hour affair. Trust him to create all kinds of problems and trivial doubts. Disturbing others is his favourite pastime. I knew it would happen to me as well.
it is not just with me but with every1 in the class. he stumbles upon something in some damn seminar and then comes back and tells some1 in the class to so the same no matter how complex it is.

here r a few of his famous antics
1. uses mouse to right click and click on next to go to the next slide in a ppt
2. doesnt know how to use ftp
3. fears that if someone copies a file from his comp, then it wont remain on his own .
4. teaches the class assuming that the projector is already on whereas it isnt.

so beware of lord jaggumort. he may convert u into one like himself...


Harsh said...

Graet post....really funny

lifeisbeautiful said...
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lifeisbeautiful said...

Darshan,ACTUALLY u forgot something .....Jaggu ahs this funny habit of saying actually, basically and all words endin with "ali".he even calls shamsher by his full name .SHAMSHER ALI.!! hehe.